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If you have any further questions or comments about science teaching at Fulbourn Primary School, please contact Mr Edwards via the school office:

1. What topics will my child be learning in science this year?

Look out for the termly letter that will come home at the start of each term detailing your child's learning across the curriculum that term. Further information about that topic can be found on these pages, particularly under 'Curriculum Overview'.

2. How can I support my child's interest in science at home?

Be led by your child. Take an interest in what they are learning at school, no matter what your own level of interest or confidence is in science. By talking about what they are learning and asking them questions you will foster a respect for learning and help your child to remember and retrieve what they have been taught. If you have more time and your child shows a particular interest in science, look at the 'How Families Can Help' page for more ideas.

3. What hands-on experiments or activities will my child be involved in?

We know that children value hands-on experiments and activities and that being involved in practical tasks fosters enjoyment, engagement and memory. Hands-on activities in primary school take a variety of forms. For example, we may create physical models to help the children reason by analogy: in Year 3 or Year 4, children create a model of the digestive system using plastic bags and tights. The children have fun and also think carefully about ways in which this model is or is not like the real digestive system. Some hands-on activities are teacher-led demonstrations of scientific phenomena, such as work in Year 5 and 6 about pulleys that is carried out as a whole class. Sometimes children carry out their own experiments and observations, such as observations made of the school grounds and seasonal changes by children in Years 1 and 2.

4. What can I do to help my child if they are struggling with science concepts?

Modelling scientific curiosity at home - and that it is acceptable to not know something, or be confused - will allow space to open up conversations where you can help your child understand scientific concepts. Knowing what your child is being taught, and including relevant vocabulary and ideas into everyday conversations will build a level of science capital in your child that makes it easier for them to learn and remember at school. If you have concerns about your child's level of scientific understanding, please speak to your child's class teacher.

5. Are there any upcoming science fairs or events that my child can participate in?

Each year we hold a 'science day' in the summer term. Look out for communication about it. We would love for you to be involved!

6. How do you incorporate technology into science lessons?

Sparingly. Often practical, physical learning, using the natural environment or relatively simple items such as parachutes, stones, soil and gears, is more engaging and memorable than lessons using high-tech equipment such as tablets and laptop computers. The act of encoding scientific concepts by hand-drawing graphs or handwriting conceptual explanations or diagrams, allows for deeper understanding as the student has to process the information they have been taught in order to be successful.

7. What safety measures are in place during science experiments?

All experiments are appropriately risk assessed, although the vast majority of activities do not carry more risk than a typical classroom day.

8. How do you differentiate instruction for students with varying levels of understanding in science?

Classes are taught on the basis that all children can be successful in science. Adaptations to classroom practice are made to allow this - these adaptations are made on an individual basis to meet the needs of specific learners.

9. What real-world applications do you discuss in science lessons to make it more relatable for students?

Children in Key Stage 1 learn key concepts about the world around them: names of living things and parts of the body, properties of everyday materials and seasonal changes, for example. As children get older, not all scientific concepts are relatable. We introduce children to the awesome wonders of the universe - the solar system, evolution through deep time and the amazing diversity of life on Earth. Some of this has real-world applications, but we are passionate about the intrinsic value of scientific knowledge and understanding, and this comes first in science teaching.

10. How often do you update parents on their child's progress in science?

Your child's end of year report will inform you about your child's level of attainment in science, but assessment is carried out more frequently in school and we are happy to discuss with you how your child is getting on in science more frequently if you would like.

11. What is the school's approach to teaching environmental science and sustainability?

The school runs a separate 'ecology' curriculum. More details about this will be added to the website in due course but if you are curious please contact Mr Edwards for more details.

12. How do you address the different learning styles of students in your science lessons?

How concepts are taught is driven by the nature of that concept and what prior knowledge children have. This means that, for example, lessons covering parts of the body would be planned using visual and physical activities for all learners because this is most appropriate to the content. Assessment allows us to identify and address gaps in children's understanding.

13. Are there opportunities for parent involvement in science-related projects or activities?

Yes - please make yourself known if you are keen to be involved!