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Pupil Voice

Children at our school speak enthusiastically about their learning in History. Pupil voice groups clearly highlight how the children benefit from our hands on, cross-curricular approach to teaching History.

Below are some quotes from a recent pupil voice group:

Josh (Year 2) says, "Last year, I remember reading books about the Titanic and doing role-play as different passengers".

Ivy (Year 3) says, "I find history inspiring, it's interesting to know what happened before us."

Dollie (Year 4) says, "I learn best when History is linked to other subjects, like more of a project. Last year in DT, we made wooden Tudor houses."

Isaac (Year 5) says, "I enjoy learning about different time periods and seeing evidence of them existing, even today".

Alfie (Year 5) says, “World War II is my favourite subject to learn about in History because of the amount of technology that has changed over time.”

Mihinula (Year 6) says "World War II is important to learn about, so that we can find out how people were affected."

Mia (Year 6) says “I especially liked learning about the Egyptians because it was really fun. We made death masks and pretended to sell things like they would have done in Egyptian times.”